Threat Intelligence Playbook: Making Sense of Indicators
In 2017, organizations around the world realized that a new era of cyber threats had dawned. Ransomware has advanced significantly and is now capable of taking out infrastructure and operations across the globe, weaponizing known vulnerabilities such as EternalBlue and crippling businesses for months or more. WannaCry marked the start of these techniques and was one of the most damaging ransomware attacks in history. It was followed by NotPetya, and most recently, Bad Rabbit, the third major attack to cause widespread disruption this year.
Organizations struggle to quickly respond to or remediate these intrusions for many reasons, including the high volume of security alerts they receive each day, and limited knowledge about an attacker’s infrastructure. Many organizations are bogged down in reactive work and often overlook the value of crucial information. In this white paper, learn how to uncover some of the most critical insights from your organization’s alerts and indicators that will allow you to shift to a more proactive posture.
This White Paper Will Cover:
- How security professionals go about sourcing indicators
- What can you do with IOCs/IOAs after locating valuable indicators
- Real world examples leveraging both IOCs and IOAs