Abstract digital art of a network with nodes connected by lines against a blue-black background, highlighted with twinkling white lights and scattered red cross symbols.

Threat Actor Analysis and Strategic Security Investments

Over the past few months, nation-state campaigns have found their way into a majority of conversations in the infosec space. While these discussions are particularly interesting during national election years, there is a fine balance of understanding where your organization sits and your value as a target based on the information, access, or partners that you have.

In this webinar, DomainTools’ Senior Product Manager, Jackie Abrams, and Chris Crowley from SANS, will demonstrate how to understand attacker motivations, identify prime targets within your organization, and most effectively defend your critical and valued assets and access.

This webinar will cover:

  • The Attribution Debate: pros and cons of relying on attribution to guide your security decisions
  • A checklist to guide the identification of organization assets and strategic targets
  • Mapping of assets to nation-state or criminal priorities and recent publicly-declared or evidenced objectives