
Upcoming Changes to DomainTools Whois History API


Upcoming Changes to DomainTools Whois History API

We are planning to enhance the DomainTools Whois History API endpoint in order to help you tailor your searches, retrieve large historical recordsets, and allow you to consume the relevant historical records for your investigations.
Listed below are some of the key changes, along with their benefits, and how you can adopt these changes.
Introducing ‘Pagination’ in API response
Whois History API returns unique historical whois records for a queried domain. And, with years of collecting data, our historical dataset has grown significantly. For certain domain queries, there are too many associated historical records to return efficiently and your queries may fail. Pagination will address such scenarios and allow you to retrieve data consistently.
Each page will limit the number of records and users can page through API responses to retrieve all records associated with the domain without encountering timeout issues.
– An existing API user who wants to retrieve all records must update their existing program to page through the API responses using the pagination functionality.
– Else you will continue to receive a subset of the entire history which will be displayed on the first page of the API response.
New Parameter for the API

Depending upon your investigation scenario, at times you may need to look at the oldest historical record, while sometimes the most recent changes will add the most context. Our goal is to allow you to retrieve the data most relevant to your use case.
With the new sort parameter, you will have the flexibility of pulling records that are appropriate for your use case.
– This will be an optional parameter and when unspecified, the API will extract the newest records first with older records at the end. By switching this flag, you can request older records first as well.
Change Overview
We are targeting to release these enhancements on Feb 4, 2021. We will confirm once the changes are released or communicate any changes to our plans.
Please let us know if you have any feedback, follow up questions, or would like to discuss this further with us.

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