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Defending Against Malicious Javascript Attacks Article
White Papers

Defending Against Malicious JavaScript Attacks

According to Verizon’s 2018 Data Breach Investigation Report, data breaches involving malware typically use JavaScript because of its programmatic flexibility to achieve whatever tasks the attacker deems necessary. And as stated in the McAfee Labs Threats Report, in 2018 cryptojacking attacks increased by more than 1100%, with Coinhive—a JavaScript-based tool for mining Monero cryptocurrency—taking the lead.

With such dramatic increases, JavaScript is one of a number of growing threats to your organization. As you work to update your security strategy, it’s best to understand how attacks are being carried out so that you have proper context on how to address them.

This White Paper Will Cover:

  • Why JavaScript is such an effective tool for threat actors
  • Real world examples of how adversaries obfuscate malicious JavaScript
  • Actionable strategies to stop JavaScript attacks