
How are the Dropping Names results organized? Can I adjust Screening Criteria?


How are the Dropping Names results organized? Can I adjust Screening Criteria?

Dropping Names results are organized according to Auction date. To view domains to-be-available on a particular date, you can filter results according to:
Total: Displays all domains to-be dropped on this particular date.
Yahoo!: Displays domains In Yahoo! directory.
DMOZ: Displays domains in the DMOZ directory.
2-5 Chars: Displays domains containing between 2-5 characters.
3-6 Chars: Displays domains containing between 3-6 characters.
9+ Years Old: Displays domains created 9+ years ago.
Users can alter these default results using the Screening Criteria box located on the right hand side of the Dropping Names page.
Screen Criteria by selecting:
– A string of characters to be included in the domain name
– TLD’s (.com, .net, .org or other)
– Length of characters in the domain name
– Order of results (Age, Length, Alphabetical, Rank)
– Creation of the domain name (Any, 2+ years ago, 3+ years ago, 6+ years ago or 9+ years ago)
– Dropping date

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