
What are portfolios? How do create and I add domains to a portfolio?


What are portfolios? How do create and I add domains to a portfolio?

Use the View control to select particular sets of information to display about each domain.
All: This view shows all of the information that Domain Monitor tracks for each domain.
Whois: This view contains key status information from the Whois record: status, last-checked date, created date, expires date, and updated date.
TLDs Availability: This view shows the domain name’s availability in other TLDs (among the 6 monitored TLDs).
Registrar: This view shows the status, name server, and registrar for the domain.
Comment: This view shows your comments (optional) for each domain.
Custom: You can use the Settings control (described below) to specify which columns you wish to display in the table.
Note: Some views, especially “All,” cause the table to expand to the right, and in many cases will require horizontal scrolling. The dashed bar on the right side of the table is a cue that the table extends off of the visible portion of the pane.

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