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SIEM, Security Information and Events Management, is a security platform which offers deep insight into cyberattacks, risks, compliance and more by identifying:

  • Security threats
  • Malware
  • Unusual behavior
  • Suspicious network traffic

Used as a holding system, a SIEM collects information from all your organization’s systems. It gathers and processes security alarms, metadata, activity paths, and more from various systems, networks, and applications in your organization.

Without a SIEM system—and its log-monitoring capabilities—IT and Security teams would spend copious amounts of time digging through logs and events to find suspicious behavior and detect malicious actors. This time-consuming task often leads to “alert fatigue.” This type of ‘digging’ is best performed through a SIEM’s automation and machine learning first, then using your security analysts to investigate and analyze the few anomalies that are left—saving both time and sanity!  


What about firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS)? Although a standard at most companies, these solutions do not find more advanced threats. Real-time monitoring from a SIEM notifies you when under attack, reducing the response time, and minimizing damage—allowing you to proactively defend your network and mitigate threat quickly. And the good news is, evolving machine learning capabilities are continuing to help SIEM systems more accurately identify rogue activity, leading to even faster detection.

How can you elevate your organization’s security posture through SIEM? See these additional resources: